Friday, April 4, 2008

Children with a personality

Recently an acquaintance to mine informed me that her four year old daughter had ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). now, hold on a sec while I climb up on my soap box. ok.....Now we can label our personalities as a disorder!! much less the personality of a 4 year old child!!!!! Well, I do believe that they have already came up with a solution to handling a persons 'personality', its called drugs....Ritalin, etc. Due to societies version of a normal family people feel the need to have to fit in. Thus they buy houses, cars, clothes, they can't afford..both parents end up working just to make ends meet, and the children become neglected. These children spend all day at school where no physical excertion is required, come home to watch tv because both parents are too warn out to put forth any effort for the children, go to sleep, and repeat the same process the next day. Aha, heres the weekend...extra tv time and maybe some video games too. Now these children have this bottled up energy that they lack an outlet for, have a hard time paying attention at school, so we give them an ADHD drug with side effects such as, and I quote, "twitching, mania, depression, abnormal thoughts and behaviors.." ...and that is only for children who are already layed back. What about active kids who are restrained for any activity....well lets just screw their whole world up. anyway, if you can make sense of this good luck. but is is one of my big pet peaves, along with the special education system in America's public schools (a whole nother story). Have a good day.